Do I Qualify For Federal Perkins Loan Cancellation As A Teacher?There are some instances where people can qualify for Federal Perkins Loan Cancellation. As a teacher I had heard that because I work in a school for special needs children that I should look into either getting my loans reduced at a percentage or cancelled all together. I needed to find out where to get some good advice and for that I turned to the internet. According to what I was abel to find out regarding my particular situation the website that I looked at told me that I had to be licensed, certified, and/or registered by an appropriate state education school or agency for the teaching area that I was providing related special educational services, and services provided are part of the educational curriculum for handicapped children. Apparently I did qualify and now I needed to find out if I could have my loans cancelled or reduced. Generally, student loans follow you around until you pay them off but like me there are certain situations where loans can be cancelled or forgiven. As a teacher of special needs children I was able to remove my debt. Teacher who teach in schools in low income areas or who provide a special need may also qualify. Military personnel also have some options when it comes to their student loans. The process of Federal Perkins Loan Cancellation was not nearly as intimidating as I thought that it would be. I realized that I wa not the first person to look into this and the people at the other end of the phone knew all the right questions to ask me and they knew exactly what I needed to provide in order to qualify for Federal Perkins Loan Cancellation. My next plan if I could not qualify for loan cancellation was to look into loan consolidation to help reduce my payments. Working as a teacher for many of us means that we do not make a lot of money so those loans can be hard to pay back. Being eligible for Federal Perkins Loan Cancellation has meant that I can now live on what I make instead of coming up short every month. The idea of being a person who had a loan default on their credit report was not one that I was willing to entertain. This process was quick and painless for me and hopefully for others. |